import { Pipeline } from "../pipeline.mjs";
import { FileConverterService, DocumentsIngestService, InputConfig } from "../../services/index.mjs";
* Get the filename only out of the given file
* @private
* @param {Blob} file - The file that is being converted to text and saved to Soffos db.
* @returns {string}
function get_filename(file) {
* Given a file path, upload the file to Soffos and get its reference document_id in addition to the
* converted text.
* @class
* @alias _SoffosPipelines.FileIngestPipeline
class FileIngestPipeline extends Pipeline {
* @param {string} [name] - The name of this pipeline. Will be used to reference this pipeline
* if this pipeline is used as a Node inside another pipeline.
* @param {Object} [kwargs] - Include other needed properties like apiKey
constructor(name=null, kwargs={}) {
const file_converter = new FileConverterService(kwargs);
new InputConfig("user_input", "file"),
new InputConfig("user_input", "normalize")
const document_ingest = new DocumentsIngestService(kwargs);
new InputConfig("user_input", "file", get_filename),
new InputConfig("file_converter", "text")
return super([file_converter, document_ingest], false, name, kwargs);
* Start the pipeline processes.
* @param {string} user - The ID of the user accessing the Soffos API. Soffos assumes that the owner of
* the api is an application (app) and that app has users. Soffos API will accept any string.
* @param {Blob} file - The byte stream of the file. The file should not exceed 50Mb in size.
* @param {string} [normalize='0'] - Whether to perform normalization.
* @param {string} [execution_code=null] - If this process should be tracked so it can be
* terminated via terminate() method, execution_code should be provided to reference this pipeline call.
* @returns {Promise<object>}
* - An object containing the results of the file conversion and its reference document_id<br>
* {<br>
* file_converter: {"text":<text content>, "tagged_elements": <extracted text snippets and their tags>}<br>
* doc_ingest: {document_id: <reference ID of this document's contents>}<br>
* }
* @example
* // provided you have a file input with id="myFile", a text input with id="executionCode",
* // and a <pre> element with id="response1":
* import {SoffosPipelines} from "soffosai";
* async function fileIngest() {
* response1.textContent = "";
* const file1 = document.getElementById("myFile").files[0];
* const execution_code = document.getElementById("executionCode").value;
* let pipe = new SoffosPipelines.FileIngestPipeline("my_pipe", {apiKey: my_apiKey});
* let response = await"client_id", file1, 0, execution_code);
* response1.textContent = JSON.stringify(response, null, 2);
* }
async call(user, file, normalize='0', execution_code=null) {
let payload = {
"user": user,
"file": file,
"normalize": normalize,
"execution_code": execution_code
return await;
export default FileIngestPipeline;